

Just skim through the following situations and check whether you get any relatable ones. Some may find similar ones, some may not. Whatever be your concerns we could help you to the fullest.Unable to find a meaning for one’s existence. Often feels that nobody is able to understand me and have none to support also.

  • Feeling scared or frightened most of the time
  • Do you have frequent experience of rising heartbeat and feeling of giddiness? Or Feeling of having a heart attack intermittently?
  • Feeling of extreme stress when talking to people or facing situations.
  • Inability to say “yes” or “no” but having the high desire for the same
  • Not able to control my emotions, especially getting angry and smashing things though having no desire to do so.
  • Do you or your near ones have the sensation of threats? Or the constant feeling that everybody stands against me?
  • Taking long hours for shower and washing hands repeatedly even if there is no need for that?
  • Taking long hours for shower and washing hands repeatedly even if there is no need for that?
  • Feeling gloomy despite having a newborn baby (post-partum), not able to care the baby nor enjoy the situation?

If you are able to relate with any of these situations or having anything other
than these, you are at the right place. Any of your concerns can be sorted out by psychological counselling or deep psychotherapeutic sessions. Our trained
professionals will baby walk you and assure that you are out of it.

Just a step ahead will change your life!!!

Take an Appointment now

We are Specialized on

  • Relationship Problems
  • Sexual Counselling
  • Depression Treatment
  • Personal Development
  • Couples Counselling
  • Anxiety Counselling
  • Sleep problems
  • Child area